But that list was puzzling in terms of what Alvinology counted and didn't count as "blogs".
So this time I decided to expand it considerably to include what I think are noteworthy local blogs and websites, which admittedly may also be somewhat arbitrary. But hey, Alvinology started it first.
As before, the data is from Similar Web.
This list is by no means comprehensive or definitive. If there is any blog or website you think should be included but isn't here, let me know.
I decided the cut-off would be 30k visits. If a website had fewer than 30k visits last month, it won't be listed here. Sorry, Eunice Annabel (29.6K). That also leaves out my own blog, which had only 8.20K.
(Blogs with the blogspot subdomain name, like Xiaxue's, are listed twice because Similar Web counts the subdomains blogspot.com and blogspot.sg separately.)
Here are the most popular Singapore blogs (or whatever):
Mothership 2.10M
Goody Feed 1.70M
All Singapore Stuff 1.70M
The Smart Local 1.60M
Hungry Go Where 1.4M
Daniel Food Diary 1.30M
Seth Lui 1.30M
Lady Iron Chef 1M
Money Digest 954.50K
Money Smart 933.50K
The Independent 725.20K
Parka Blogs 578.40K
Miss Tam Chiak 507.10K
Passport Chop 423.40K
The Online Citizen 377K
I Eat I Shoot I Post 330.80K
Noob Cook 307.20K
My Fat Pocket 296.2K
Beautiful Buns 245.90K
The Middle Ground 245.20K
Johor Kaki blogspot.com 233K
Sgag 229.20K
Bun Bun Makeup Tips 213K
The Ordinary Patrons 211.80K
The Motley Fool 192.50K
New Nation 174K
Viva Woman 173.90K
TR Emeritus 165.60K
Bumble Bee Mum 155.10K
Salary 146.60K
Dollars And Sense 139K
Aspirant 138.70K
Must Share News 137.80K
Xiaxue blogspot.com 135.10K
Just Run Lah 130.10K
Mitsueki 121.60K
Jeraldine Phneah 113.40K
The Domestic Goddess Wannabe 128.90K
Rubbish Eat Rubbish Grow 123.90K
Cheekie Monkies 122.80K
Xiaxue blogspot.sg 120.90K
Investment Moats 106.50K
Remember Singapore 99.70K
Alvinology 96.20K
Bong Qiu Qiu blogspot.sg 96K
Run Society 86.60K
Spring Tomorrow 86.20K
Fiona Seah 84.50K
Super Adrian Me 83.40K
SG Food On Foot 77.10K
A Singaporean Stocks Investor 74.10K
Bong Qiu Qiu blogspot.com 71.30K
Camemberu 71K
The Halah Food Blog 70.60K
Pinky Piggu 69.50K
The Ranting Panda 68.50K
Tech Goondu 63.3K
Peony Kiss 59.20K
Celine Chiam 58.70K
The Baking Biatch 57.80K
Mr Brown 57.20K
Sparklette 57.10K
Yina Goh 57K
The New Savvy 56.80K
Working With Grace 54.20K
The Wacky Duo 53.70K
Missus Chewy 51.90K
Lester Chan 51.80K
Johor Kaki blogspot.sg 50.30K
Thoughts Of Real Singaporeans 50.10K
Techie Lobang 47.30K
Transitioning 47K
Only William 46.90K
Makansutra 46.60K
Five Stars And A Moon 45.10K
The Fifth Person 44.70K
The Wedding Vows 44.60K
My Wok Life 44.50K
Mummy, I Can Cook 44.20K
Darren Bloggie 43.40K
Cuisine Paradise 41.40K
Limpeh Is Foreign Talent 41.30K
Chords Haven 41.3K
The Bonding Tool 41.20K
Tiffany Yong 40.80K
The Heart Truths 39.90K
SG Young Investment 39K
Little Miss Bento 38.70K
I Eat And Eat 36.40K
Roseanne Tang 36.30K
Delishar 36.20K
Budget Pantry 34.60K
Naomi Neo 33.20K
Bagaholicboy 33.20K
Singapore Daily 33.20K
Zit Seng 33K
Budget Babe 32.80K
Nicole Choo 32.70K
Dairy & Cream 31.50K