Friday 31 January 2014

Google autocomplete part tiga: Singaporeans are...

This is the last one, I promise. The trilogy is complete.

This time, my Google query is "Singaporeans are" and the results are the most interesting of all, from brainwashed to grossly underinsured, xenophobic to not xenophobic, and robots to zombies.

Welcome to zombieland!

EARLIER: Google autocomplete part dua: Singapore is...

EVEN EARLIER: Google autocomplete: Why is Singapore so...

Thursday 30 January 2014

Google autocomplete part dua: Singapore is...

As a follow-up to yesterday's post about Google autocompleting queries for "Why is Singapore so" from a to z, I did the same thing with a slightly different query - "Singapore is"

Some of the results are similar. Some are very different. My top three favourites are:
  • singapore is gay
  • is singapore utopia
  • singapore is weird

The weirdest result is "Singapore jackal is coming".

I found out Jackal Is Coming actually refers to the title of a Korean movie. It's still weird.

First, the results for "Singapore is":

Now, from a to z:

Singapore QP refers to this.

Singapore XD Theatre refers to this. XMM refers to "xiao mei mei".

EARLIER: Google autocomplete: Why is Singapore so...

UPDATE: Google autocomplete part tiga: Singaporeans are...