If you don't know, Crazy Rich Asians is a bestseller by Singapore-born Kevin Kwan. I haven't read the book myself.
It is being turned into a movie directed by Jon M Chu, who directed Now You See Me 2.
Last month, the director posted a video asking Asian talents to post a video with the hastag #CrazyRichaAianscasting to be part of the movie, "whether you're in Thailand, Singapore, Phillipines..."
And quite a few Singaporeans have done just that, including Nat Ho and Vernetta Lopez.
I'm just kinda of amazed by the number Singaporeans with angmoh accents. It's not just Amos Yee and Joseph Schooling.
Yeah, there's plenty more where these come from.
Monday, 13 February 2017
You may have read about kids of local celebrities following their parents' footsteps into showbiz. But you probably haven't read...
I first met Darryl David at Gurmit Singh's wedding dinner in 1995. David's date was a woman named Lynette Pang , who was a stag...
Toggle has reported that actress Carole Lin has given birth to her first child: Despite being told by a gynaecologist that conceiving at ...
Dear Ashley Garcia , Clothes maketh the man while the lack of clothes can make a woman famous. Sometimes unintentionally. I mean, y...
On Thursday, controversial sex blog couple Alvin Tan and Vivian Lee uploaded a YouTube video to answer “questions and fan mail”. One of...
I thought I had today’s column planned out. I was going to write about former NUS scholar Alvin Tan breaking up with his sex-blogging part...
Okay, I surrender. I admit it. I was wrong. In April last year, I wrote a column called “ So is Joanne Peh really going out with Qi Yuwu? ...
A few days ago, my former employer, MediaCorp, announced the surprise resignation of its chief executive officer, Lucas Chow. So what ...
Some people are complaining that this Carl's Jr ad is sexist. You think that's sexist? These are sexist. Surprising...
After a preview of the song earlier this month, the official video of NDP 2015 Theme Song: Our Singapore by Dick Lee was released this week....