I broke that resolution two weeks ago when I signed up for the 10km Star Wars Run.
Because Star Wars.

But all my other races this year are half marathons.
I have already signed up for more 21km races this year than I've run my entire life.
I avoided half marathons in the past and joined mostly 10km races because running 21km was just too hard. Forget about full marathons.
My two Army Half Marathons were miserable experiences. But I enjoyed the Newton Challenge last year and decided to run only half marathons from then on.

I wanted to break out of my comfort zone as I was getting bored with 10km races.
2017 will be my year of halves (except for the Star Wars Run):
- Marina Run 25 Feb
- 2XU Compression Run 2 April
- Income Eco Run 30 April
- Star Wars Run 6 May
- Performance Series 1 28 May
- Performance Series 2 13 Aug
- Performance Series 3 5 Nov
Just my bad luck, for the past few weeks, I've been struggling with persistant pain in my left knee and upper left leg in addition to my now permanent left heel pain due to plantar fasciitis. So I haven't been training as much as I should.
I will be happy if I could just finish tomorrow night's race in under three hours and not too much agony.
I hope it won't be like this for the rest of the year or my year of halves is going to suck.
Like my two Army Half Marathons.
May the Singapore Armed Forces be with me.

UPDATE: Marina Run: I wanna banana