Do you have enough of Navy chio bu ME1 Clarie Teo?
Posted by Must Be Singapore on Tuesday, April 7, 2015
Meet the star of Mindef's new video and the navy chiobu of the moment, ME1 Clarie Teo. And not "Claire", as some, including myself, have misread her name. And it's also not a recruitment video.
Another video of her when she was in Singapore Maritime Academy, which is part of Singapore Polytechnic.
Here are the many faces of RSN's latest weapon of mass distraction:
Navy servicewoman Clarie Teo looking calm and composed during a rehearsal for SAF Day Parade 2013. #SAFpeopleFollow us on Instagram for more pictures!
Posted by cyberpioneer on Saturday, September 27, 2014
Posted by Republic of Singapore Navy on Friday, February 21, 2014
Posted by Republic of Singapore Navy on Monday, January 12, 2015

From Pioneer magazine:
From a convent school background where she hardly spoke to any guys to joining the (traditionally) male-dominated military, Military Expert (ME) 1 Clarie Teo's life took an about-turn when she made the unconventional decision to pursue Marine Engineering after her O levels.
She decided to join the Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN) during her first year in polytechnic. Recalling the week that final exams ended, she said: "I got a letter asking me to report for training the very next Monday! That's how efficient the Navy can be."
Being in the RSN is a challenge that ME1 Teo relishes. She recalled an incident when one of the frigate's engines heated up and had to be taken offline. In the meantime, the ship had to make do with power from the other three engines.
Together with the engineering department, she checked and rectified the fault - a clogged fuel filter - within the hour. "The rest of the ship's crew was quite amazed we did it so quickly."
On what she enjoys about being a sailor, she added: "Shipboard life is never relaxing but what I like is the team spirit and sense of family among the crew."

Singapore Polytechnic Buzz: The Female President


And yes, she has a boyfriend.

COLUMN: ME1 Clarie Teo: 'I'm not the Navy Poster Girl'
UPDATE: From Clarie to Graci: Social media-created 'recruitment bait' arms race escalates
2018 UPDATE: No longer navy but still chio