Remember in July when Singapore went a weird hot streak where a series of local news items got international attention?
I'm talking about the NLB gay penguins tango, the Archie gay wedding comic book ban and the anti-gambling World Cup ad starring Andy.
It seems to be happening again this month.

BBC: India Mars Mission: New York Times apologises for cartoon
Indiatimes: New York Times Issues Apology For Racist Cartoon On India's Mars Mission
Business Standard: Online anger forces NYT to apologize for 'racist' cartoon

New York Times: Banned Film Reunites Singapore With Its Exiles
The Independent (UK): Have you heard about the film Singapore has banned its people from watching? Well, you have now
Huffington Post: For Yale in Singapore, It's Deja-vu All Over Again

Buzzfeed: A Teen’s Open Letter About Her School’s Sexist Sex-Ed Class Is Going Viral
Huffington Post: 17-Year-Old Spells Out Everything Wrong With Her Lousy Sex Ed Class
Jezebel: Badass Teen Pens Letter Against Focus on the Family Sex Ed Workshop
Buzzfeed: Pizza Hut Apologizes For Calling A Woman A “Pink Fat Lady” On Her Receipt
Time: Pizza Hut Singapore Apologizes for Calling Customer ‘Pink Fat Lady’ on Receipt
Gawker: Pizza Hut Customer Says They Called Her "Pink Fat Lady" on a Receipt

I would love to see John Oliver's take on that.
PS: No one outside Singapore seems to care about Singapore Sports Hub's grass problem.
UPDATE: Unexpectedly, it is the local news item about a Singapore fisherman catching a basket star that has gone viral internationally.
Huffington Post: Bizarre Sea Creature Caught In Singapore Looks Like Kraken Come To Life
Salon: Check out the terrifying deep-sea creature someone pulled out of the ocean
USA Today: Fisherman catches terrifying creature off the coast of Singapore