Those legs! That hair! The peek-a-boo panties!
If the pictures were Bengs, they would have beaten me up for staring at them for so long and hard.

Okay, I know what you’re thinking:
This reaction could be due to a couple of reasons. One is the unfortunate image of a dirty old man like me leering at pictures of a young woman like Low.
The other reason is that saying anything positive about the convicted credit card fraudster is almost like a social taboo tantamount to clipping your toe nails on the MRT train while singing “Love your ride!”
Low has been a target of much mockery since she crashed into our collective consciousness with the infamous “leopard preenz” interview a year ago.
Now I think she’s kind of hot after her weight loss.

One colleague exclaimed that he wouldn’t sleep with her even if you paid him. I find that somewhat ingenuous, but I can see where he was coming from.

Another colleague said that he was okay with Low as long as she didn’t speak. That’s perfectly understandable.
But that’s also my point. Don’t judge the cover by the book, which may be a slim volume containing made-up words like “boomz” and “shingz”.
Wow, I just managed to associate books with Ris Low. I should get a Cultural Medallion for that feat alone.

You see? I can still make fun of Low even though I think she’s hot. Admitting that she is physically attractive doesn’t mean you’re endorsing anything else about her.
Unless you happen to also own a “Boomz” T-shirt.
- Published in The New Paper, 17 October 2010
2013 UPDATE: Not so slim or hot anymore