LKY the meme:

The final images of Lee Kuan Yew:

Weird that during his announcement about LKY's death, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong never acknowledged that LKY was his father. The PM just kept saying "Mr Lee Kuan Yew" like it was crutch.
If the forced formality was to help the haggard-looking PM Lee keep his anguish in check, he was betrayed by the heart-breaking pause in the middle of his Mandarin speech (2:50 in the video).

I don't think anyone would begrudge PM Lee if he said at the end, "Goodbye, Papa."
EARLIER: Star Trek's shout-out to Lee Kuan Yew
UPDATED: Umbrellas & tents: 3 hours 10 minutes in The Queue for Lee Kuan Yew