My daughter and I at VivoCity helping to sell my wife's bags.
Merry Christmas!
“We walked further away from the museum...Then we came to a road where there were lots of taxis with the green light on. We were so happy and so were the groups of people with us.
“And the stupidest thing happened. NONE of the freaking taxis would stop.
“They just zoomed past us and after a while, I realised that the taxis were just going round and round, not picking up passengers. I could recognise some of the taxis."
“So we walked once more. The streets were really deserted save for us, the walkers.
“It was like a scene from the TV show The Walking Dead. The taxis were the humans running away from us.”
Dear Mr. Ong,
I read your article.
Sincerely I wish there is a printing error on what you wrote "Frustrated, she complained on her blog, 'There ought to be a law against taxis not picking up passengers, Mr Transport Minister! Like CANING or something.'"
To cane a taxi driver for not picking up passenger? If your wife's wish really come true, I wonder who dare to be a taxi driver.
By then, what complaint will your wife make again? Mr Transport Minister, make all male Singaporean to join Taxi companies after they complete their National Service?
Why can't she just use her handphone and on call for a taxi? It's just $2.50 or more (could be more), isn't this what we call we pay more for better service? [SM: Actually, I did mention in the article that my wife tried to call for a cab, but couldn't get through.]
It is not easy being a taxi driver now, high rental, expensive petrol, road traffic condition and the worst, facing our very educated and love complaints Singaporeans.
Not all taxi drivers are bad, just as not all Singaporean love complaints. I just wish we can really understand them more and knowing their difficulties in making a living.
Give them some breathing space, tell your wife I tell her this.
I believe that Mrs Ong did not mean that seriously. However, she does bring up a valid point.
I will bet that a lot of us have experienced that taxi blissfully whisking by even though it is unoccupied despite every futile attempt to flag it down.
It is very frustrating and I sometimes think that the taxi driver did it on purpose.
I have sat in taxis that drops me off at a condo I live in where the taxi driver blatantly tells me he doesn't want to pick up any more passengers and promptly turns on his "on call" sign as he pulls up in front of the taxi queue to drop me off.
I can tell you that he had definitely had not responded to a call. And it was way after the usual taxi shift change time.
More stringent measures must be taken against such taxi drivers. Just suspend their taxi driver license for one week and if they continue to be recalcitrant - a 2-week suspension on the second occurrence. On a third occurrence - remove his license permanently.
Phua Chu Kang Season 2 Episode 19 from gurmitsinghfan on Vimeo.
Very funny and enjoyable article. Really made my day. I was at Clarke Quay last night and somehow Halloween has become a costume party. With superman, princesses and prince charmings, playboy bunnies sexy busty policewomen, topless cowboys and clowns. Heehee.
Dear Mr. Ong,
Actually your life path is all in your date of birth. Not about looking at the number of moles you have.
If you do not mind giving me your date of birth, I can tell who you are and what will become of you. It is FOC just for you only.
I set up my company PON Consultant Pte Ltd doing consulting on Life Destiny. If you are keen please provide me with your date of birth I will provide you with a 20 page report of who you actually are and what will become of you in the future. This discovery is truly amazing and awesome. Its all true statistics and research over more than 10 years.
You can actually go to my website at to have a look.
Best regards
Raymond Suen
PON Consultant Pte Ltd