The answer is simple – haircuts cost money.
And it's not just a one-time cost because hair grows back. So to maintain a short length, you need to pay to get your hair cut again and again. It adds up, you know?
Some people have suggested that I shave my head.
I don't understand how that suggestion helps because shaving my head costs money too.
Even at the Hair For Hope event at VivoCity this weekend, you have to pay at least $20 as a walk-in to get your head shaved.
I understand it’s for a good cause, but it's only $10 at QB House.
Perhaps the idea is that if I shaved my head, it would take longer for my hair to grow back and so I would need to visit the barber less often and thus save money.
My response to that is, wouldn't I save more money by not cutting my hair at all?

Then I would let my hair grow until the discipline master or the encik started giving me the evil eye and I would get a durian head again.
This went on until I was 40 when I got my Hamilton watch from the Government for my years of military service to the Republic of Singapore and was no longer liable for call-up.
That was when I decided that since I don’t have to cut my hair anymore, I would stop doing it. Free at last!
Okay, all that you have just read? It’s just a cover story.
Want to know the real reason my hair is so long? It’s because I want to look like a rock star.
Why do I want to be a rock star?
Because I want to get my money for nothing and my chicks for free. You know how much I like free stuff.
But after all these years of using a Dire Straits song as a guide for major life decisions, I now realise that I could have aspired to other professions if my aim was to get chicks for free.
I should’ve gone into medicine or law instead – just like my mother wanted!
Last week, a psychiatrist was suspended and fined for having a sexual relationship with a patient while a National University of Singapore law professor was charged with having sex with a student in exchange for giving her a better grade.
If only I had listened to my mother, I could be naked with a patient or a law student (maybe even both) at this very moment.
Too bad I wasn’t so academically inclined in my youth. Instead of trying to get into medical school or law school, I was too busy learning the guitar and writing songs about selling my soul for rock ‘n’ roll when I should be writing songs about selling my soul for a roll in the hay.

I was so jealous. Even Russell Brand would be jealous – and Brand used to be married to Katy Perry’s breasts.
And as if to purposely show me up, the SCDF guy looks like the opposite of a rock star. Still water runs creep.
And he didn’t even go to medical school or law school. He studied mechanical engineering. I studied electronics engineering.
Hey, I also know CPR (I give great mouth-to-mouth) and how to handle a hose. Why can’t I be the head of SCDF?
But I guess I should stop deluding myself. I’m never going to be a head of a government agency so that I can have sex in a stationary vehicle.
I’m never going to be a psychiatrist or a law professor. And most tragic of all, I’m never going to be a rock star. So Adam Levine has one less rival to worry about. Anybody wants to buy a used guitar?
Well, what are my career options now?
I applied to be the director of the movie Snow White And The Huntsman, but apparently, that position had already been filled.
Wait. I know what to do – I can become a teacher!
That’s the way you do it.
Finally, I have a reason to cut my hair. QB House, here I come.
- Unpublished