“2021. Best year ever. More drama than Mediacorp produced in its entirety.”
That was how one Reddit discussion title summed it up.
Books Actually, Night Owl Cinematics, Omicron, peacock attack and now this.
Late Friday night, the Committee of Privileges released a report that former Worker’s Party (WP) MP Raeesah Khan said in the hearing that the WP leaders had told her to keep to the lie she told in Parliament – that she accompanied a rape victim to a police station to make a police report.
This contradicted statements made by WP leader Pritam Singh at his press conference the day before, where he told reporters he had directed Ms Khan to take responsibility and admit to her lie in Parliament – but that she had disregarded this order.
Reacting to the report, a friend ranted on Facebook:
“Raeesah… what have you done? What are you doing? Were you planted into the WP by the PAP to destroy them?Wait, huh, what?
“Let’s not forget, your father was along for the elected presidency ride… all planned by the PAP...
“Is your whole family working for the PAP?”
Ms Khan is secretly working for the People’s Action Party?
Sure, and I am leaving The New Paper to replace Daniel Craig as the next James Bond in Licence To Act Blur.
And I thought the anti-vaxx Covid-19 conspiracy theories were cray.
Yes, Ms Khan’s father Farid Khan, who is a maritime industry bigwig, did apply to run for President against Madam Halimah Yaacob in 2017 – but was rejected because he didn’t qualify.
That was planned by the PAP? I don’t get it.
I hope my friend doesn’t get Pofma-ed.
But I soon learnt he wasn’t the only one with Raeesah Khan-spiracy theories.
Elsewhere on Facebook, I found wild allegations like this:
“It is either she is a PAP mole or she has serious mental disorder. Who in the right frame of mind will make this kind of lie in the first place?”And this:
“Raeesah Khan is a spy sent by PAP. Use bird brain to think also know. Her father is a successful millionaire businessman. Why would she want to join WP? She should be joining PAP.”However, another person tried to debunk this mole/spy theory by pointing out:
“Her behaviour is quite consistent with her youth as an activist which landed her a role within WP for GE2020. Wokeism’s approach is not something which PAP likes.But then this disbunking was debunked by someone else point by point:
“If PAP wants to fix WP, the AHTC case is good enough cos it even touches Low Thia Kiang…”
“If she is a mole, what makes Pritam Singh? Co-conspirator?”
“She only joined WP in 2018. Not a very long time. Spies don’t work immediately. Spies need to take some time to gain the trust etc.Wow. If Ms Khan can do all that, she should be the new 007. I can be the next Austin Powers.
“The AHTC case did not cause WP to lose Aljunied GRC and even let WP take down Sengkang. So PAP needs to come out with new saga.
“Pritam Singh is the boss who gets conned by the mole.”
Ironically, while these Khan-spiracy theories are meant to portray WP as victim of some underhanded political subterfuge, if they actually turned out to be true, I would be more impressed by PAP for pulling off a long con this elaborate.
I mean, recruiting a woke activist to infiltrate an opposition party and help the party win a GRC in a general election despite her getting a stern warning by the police for social media posts that promoted enmity among different groups and committed contempt by scandalising the court, just so she can get into Parliament and lie about accompanying a rape victim to the police station only to confess to the lie months later – that’s next level, man.

Oh, behave.
- Published in The New Paper, 6 December 2021