First was this feature on Queenstown ("home, sweet home") that was almost like a rebuttal to my column "Why would anyone pay $1 million to live in Queenstown?" a week ago.

But thanks to this story, I found out something - there was once a cemetery where I used to live in Mei Ling Street, also where the million-dollar HDB flat is.
I was going on and on in my column about the nearby haunted former Queenstown Remand Prison and I didn't even know about the cemetery!
So you paid $1 million to live at a former cemetery. Have you seen Poltergeist? ("You only moved the headstones!")
The other thing that I thought was interesting in the paper was this column by Lee Wei Ling on private tuition.

She wrote:
"Throughout our school years, when someone from the BBC was available, my parents would arrange an informal tutorial for us. The tutor I remember best is a Mrs Dinnes, a motherly Scottish woman who spoke English with a slight and pleasant Scottish burr...
"When she left Singapore, my father arranged for the daughter of the then British High Commissioner to tutor me. He did not want his children speaking Singlish."
So her English tutor was the British High Commissioner's daughter.
You know who my English tutor was? Sesame Street.
(In case you're unaware, Ms Lee's father is former Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew and her brother is current PM Lee Hsien Loong.)
But what really got my attention was below her column - a headline for another story which could also serve as a commentary on her column:
"Out of touch, out of time?"
How apt. Thank you, Mitt Romney. (And the sub-editor who wrote this headline.)
I wonder if Sesame Street was also built over a cemetery.