Everyone's talking about it.
He's no lord of the ring, especially the wedding ring.
How's this for irony? Back on Feb 28, The Straits Times reported:
Sacked Workers' Party (WP) member Yaw Shin Leong has officially vacated his seat in Parliament, announced Speaker Michael Palmer on Tuesday...
The party had expelled Mr Yaw on the evening of Feb 14 for repeatedly refusing to come clean on his alleged extramarital affairs.
Just as a by-election was called to replace Mr Yaw, there may be another one to replace Mr Palmer. I'm not looking forward to a fourth election in 24 months.
By the way, The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey kind of drags, especially the Bag End scenes in the beginning.
But the pre-movie 9-minute Star Trek Into Darkness preview rocked. See it in Imax 3D.